Emily Beggs - Maid of Honor
Emily has been like my older sister since my first day of high school. As I began the ninth grade I felt like the coolest ‘niner’ because I was on first name basis with the ‘cool girls’ in grade eleven. To this day I am unsure if she actually liked me or felt obligated to befriend me because I was her boyfriend’s younger sister. After she convinced me to join the Oakridge cheerleading team, our friendship blossomed as we were together every morning for the deadly practices. We both grew up and followed separate paths, only to find that my move to Calgary proved how special our friendship is and has always been. My late night, homesick, phone calls were never ignored and she has always made time to listen to my stories. There has never been a doubt in my mind that this wonderful and amazing woman would stand by my side and support me in one of the most important days of my life. She is crazy, brilliant, cheerful, sincere, and beautiful both inside and out. I am more than grateful to have her as my Maid of Honor.

HOT GOSSIP ALERT: Ms. Beggs and Mr. Cappis have both decided to go solo to the wedding
Tricia Burrows - Bridesmaid
If you think back and remember that one friend that partook in every bad idea you both generated that led to parental groundings; Trish would be that friend to me. In keeping with the theme, the following memory sticks out in my mind:

Trisha's father worked the night shift so we thought it would be a good idea to have our Grade 9 boyfriend’s over for a few hours and try our first shot of whiskey followed by our first beer. We were still to naive to realize that a few beers missing from a new case would get noticed! Needless to say we got in some trouble. Oh, and that first shot of whiskey tasted like warm butter.. YUCK! At the time, it was definitely not worth getting grounded over something that tasted so repulsive. Even though we partook in youthful shenanigans, we grew as individuals and friends as we participated in it. We have never missed a beat in each other’s lives and the idea of a short phone call does not have merit in our relationship. There wasn’t a second thought that Trisha would be supporting me in this journey of marriage. Plus I knew she would look smoking hot in whatever dress I put her in.
Holly Round - Bridesmaid
Do you remember your next door neighbor that you did everything with as a kid them somehow lost touch with as you grew up. Fortunately, I had Holly and even more fortunate; our relationship did not end up that way. Holly and I played Barbie’s, house, running bases, tag, hide and seek, cops and robbers, swing a plastic bat at the trees and see how many JuneBugs you can kill, ball hockey, and every other game you could think of growing up. After our playtime years were over we continued to play; hockey that is. We went from team to team through The London Devilettes hockey organization. She was always the captain and I was always jealous of that. Her parents Brenda and Dave Round were always there for me as if I was a daughter of their own. So, let’s just sum her up as a pretty amazing woman. I was blessed to have met her at such a young age and for having her as a great friend for all of these years. Simply blessed.
Tim Janzen - Bestman
My friendship with Tim has spanned decades and I am fortunate to have embarked on so many great adventures and/or debacles with him (many of which are at least PG-13 and would probably not be suitable for our younger guests) To use an analogy, our friendship is best defined as the condiments salt and pepper; so chemically obtuse yet so correlated and dependant on one another. Tim is patient, reserved, methodical, quiet, and reasonable. In comparison, I am impatient, impulsive, loud, and stubborn. Over the past 18 years, Tim has provided me with the timely guidance in my ongoing pursuit to explore my varying goals and aspirations, even though many were ill-conceived, and has been a paramount influence in helping me become the man I am today. Through our journey, we have played in both a lacrosse and hockey national championship, we have started a marginally successful clothing line, a failed web company, and we spent many summers working side by side in the oilfield. In reminiscence I cherish and value those memories and find solace that I am fortunate enough to have a friend who has experienced them with me.
Jesse Foster - Groomsman
Throughout my life there have been a great number of individuals that have participated in some faucet of my interests and activities, but there has been only one that has been by my side through virtually all of them. Over the years, Jesse and I have played minor hockey, box lacrosse, field lacrosse, and senior hockey together. We went to high school and bought our first townhouse together. We both went to the United States on athletic scholarships. We started an IT company together and we founded another oil & gas company together. We currently work together, had babies at the same time, and will now be married in the same year. I have been fortunate to have a friend that will not only find petty enjoyment in my exhaustive and creative ambitions but will whole heartedly partake in them without the slightest concern for sacrifice.
Joshua Oakley - Groomsman
In reminiscence, my friendship with Josh is one of indulgence and enjoyment. To date, I do not believe we have ever disagreed on any topic and that has essentially set the framework for a friendship based on absolute similarities. From our exhaustive experimentation with Red Bull and Vodka and outdoor patios to our less than noteworthy attempts at wakeboarding and repetitive cigarette smoking, Josh and I have been able to develop a book worthy relationship in just 5 short years. Shenanigans aside, Josh has become a friend I can count on for just about anything and in a world where individuals have their own lives; it is a very valued characteristic.
Scott Cappis - Groomsman
My friendship with Scott has spanned 18 years. Growing up, we played lacrosse together and I was typically the guy who passed him the ball. Why? Because if he scored a hat trick he would get a new video game and we would all benefit from his dad’s generosity. Things have changed in adulthood, first, we play hockey together and secondly, I am typically the guy who shoots and he just tells the ref he passed. In all seriousness though, Scott has become not only a great friend to Kelsey and I, but perhaps my dog’s best friend. He is always there for me in times of need and he is perhaps my only friend that will entertain the idea of seeing such movies (guilty pleasures) as ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ and ‘Snakes on a Plane’. As friends, we like to keep it simple, beak the world, and talk shop.
Joel Cheyne - Groomsman
Although he probably doesn’t realize it, my brother has taught me a lot over the years. Being the oldest, I experienced and was influenced by a lot of things that made me grow up faster than I probably should have. Joel has been my saving grace and has taught me the important lesson of how to remain true to myself regardless of how others believe you should be. I am sure it has not always been easy growing up as my younger brother but Joel has always been by my side and has remained true to me. I am extremely proud of my brother and I am honored to both be his friend and to have him stand by my side at my wedding.